Kidnapped is an interactive classroom adventure based around the story of Lionboy and covering key areas of the Key Stage 2 literacy curriculum.
Developed with Zizou Corder (the authors of the Lionboy trilogy) the project started with participating school groups receiving a letter from Charlie, the hero of Lionboy, telling them that he is setting off on a dangerous mission and he needs their help.
“The resources were fantastic! They were well made, realistic and engaging. The level of engagement from the kids was amazing - they really enjoyed it and coming to see the play at the end was a great way to finish the topic. I also really enjoyed teaching it!”
Lockleaze Primary School, Bristol
Over the project’s four weeks, children completed a series of challenges to help Charlie get safely home. Participating schools received weekly letters from Charlie, a series of supporting materials (with clues and evidence – maps, photographs, newspaper articles, etc.) and teachers’ guides, with suggested lesson plans and a breakdown of how challenges related to the curriculum.
30 schools and community groups across the UK took part in the project’s first outing in 2013, with all the children coming to see Lionboy at the end of the project.
Kidnapped is supported by Complicité, Liverpool Everyman and Playhouse, Warwick Arts Centre and Wales Millennium Centre.
“They really loved the project and are delighted to keep 'discovering' letters and folders. The work they have produced so far is very good and their engagement levels are through the roof - they can't wait for literacy lessons!! Thanks again for this.”
Orchard Meadows Primary School, Oxford
- Original Writing
Zizou Corder - Teachers’ Guides Creator
Harvey McGavin - Artwork
Ezra Burke